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 Medical herbs and their uses

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Join date : 2018-05-04
Age : 20
Location : Cedar Rapids, IA(Iowa)

Medical herbs and their uses Empty
PostSubject: Medical herbs and their uses   Medical herbs and their uses EmptyWed May 09, 2018 3:18 pm

Alder Bark~Damp bark from the alder tree~Boggy areas~Chewed~Eases toothaches.
Beech Leaves~Broad leaves that can be serrated~Dry soil~Used to carry herbs.~Stores and binds herbs.
Bindweed Arrow~head shaped leaves with pale flowers~Almost everywhere~Fastens splints~Keeps splints in place.
Blackberry Leaves~Prickly leaves from blackberry bushes~Almost everywhere~Chewed into pulp~Eases swelling from bee stings.
Borage Leaves~Hairy leaves on star shaped blue or pink flowers~Forested areas~Chewed and eaten~Produces milk and eases fevers.
Burdock Root~Root of tall thistle with dark leaves~Dry areas~Chewed into pulp~Heals rat bites.
Burnet Oval~shaped serrated leaves with clusters of flowers~Dry, grassy meadows~Eaten~Gives stamina and slows minor bleeding.
Catchweed~Small green burrs on tall stems.~Low shrubs and vegetation~Placed in fur~Prevents poultice from being rubbed away.
Catmint~Leafy and strong smelling plant~Twoleg gardens~Eaten~Treats greencough and whitecough.
Celandine~Yellow flower~Forested and wet areas~Chewed juice trickled into eye~Soothes damaged eyes.
Chamomile~White flowers with yellow centers~Twoleg gardens~Eaten~Increases concentration and strength.
Chervil~Large leafy fern-like leaves with white flowers~Among rocks and crevices~Chewed for juices~Infected wounds, bellyache, and to ease the pain of kitting.
Chickweed~Fat almond-shaped leaves on tall stem~Among rocks and crevices~Chewed and eaten~Treats greencough.
Cob Nuts~Smooth brown nut~Near hazel trees~Ground into ointments~Eases pain in small scratches.
Cobwebs~Tangled threads of spiderwebs~Everywhere~Pressed over wounds~Stops bleeding and binds broken bones.
Coltsfoot~Plant with yellow or white flowers.~Wet areas~Chewed into pulp~Eases breathing, treats kittencough, and soothes cracked pads.
Comfrey Root~Root of plant with broad leaves and small bell-shaped flowers~Damp grassy areas~Chewed into poultice~Helps heal broken bones, soothes wounds, treats wretched claws, and soothes stiff joints.
Daisy Leaf~White flower with thick dark green leaves~Almost everywhere~Chewed into paste and applied to stiff joints~Soothes aching joints.
Dandelion~Flowering plant with yellow flowers~Almost everywhere~Chewed for juices and applied to stings~Soothes bee stings.
Dock~Large-leafed plant~Leafy areas~Chewed into pulp and applied to scratches~Soothes scratches and sore pads.
Fennel~Thin spiky leaves~Near water on dry soil~Stalks broken and juices poured into mouth~Treats hip pain.
Feverfew~Shrub with daisy-like flowers~Near water~Eaten~Reduces temperature, heals aching.
Goldenrod~Tall plant with small yellow flowers~Grassy open areas~Chewed into poultice~Heals open wounds.
Heather Nectar~Nectar in bell-shaped purple flowers~Shady areas~Put in herbal mixtures~Sweetens mixtures and makes swallowing easier.
Honey~Golden colored liquid~Honeycombs and hives~Swallowed~Soothes infections and sore throats, makes swallowing easier, soothes coughing, and gives energy.
Horsetail~Tall stemmed plant with bristles.~Marshy areas.~Chewed into poultice~Treats infections and stops bleeding.
Ivy Leaf~Leaves from ivy vines.~Forested areas~Used to store herbs~Stores and binds herbs.
Juniper Berries~Purple-blue berries from the juniper bush Dry areas~Chewed and eaten~Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, eases breathing, and calms the mind.
Lamb's Ear~Soft and fuzzy green plant~Rocky areas~Chewed~Gives stamina.
Lavender~Purple flowering plant~Twoleg gardens and sandy areas~Chewed~Cures fever and chills.
Mallow Leaves~Large fuzzy leaves from flowering shrub~Near water~Eaten~Soothes bellyache.
Marigold~Low-growing yellow flower~Near water~Petals chewed into poultice~Treats infection, stops bleeding, and soothes stiff joints.
Mint~Soft serrated leaves with white and purple flowers~Forested areas~Rubbed on fur~Masks scents.
Mouse Bile~Foul yellow-brown substance~Mice~Dabbed on fur~Gets rid of ticks and fleas.

Oak Leaf~Broad ruffled leaves from the oak tree~Forested areas~Chewed into poultice~Prevents infection.
Parsley Plant~with crinkled ragged leaves~Moist soil~Eaten~Stops the production of milk in queens and soothes bellyaches.
Poppy Seeds~Small black seeds of the poppy flower~Forest floor and poppy flowers~Chewed and swallowed~Induces fatigue, soothes shock, and eases pain.
Ragwort Leaves~Tall shrub with yellow flowers~Cool wet areas~Crushed and chewed or included in herbal mixtures~Gives strength and soothes aching joints.
Ragweed ~Ragged leaved plants that resemble ferns~Rocky areas~Chewed~Gives strength.
Raspberry Leaves~Soft but jagged leaves of the raspberry bush~Rocky areas~Chewed~Soothes pain and stops bleeding during kitting.
Rosemary~Tall plants with needle-like leaves and purple flowers~Leafy areas~Rubbed on pelt~Masks scents.
Rush~Stalks with long narrow leaves~Near water~Wrapped around broken limbs~Binds and helps heal broken bones.
Snakeroot~Plants with small clusters of white flowers~ Warm areas~Chewed and eaten~Cures poison.
Sorrel~Large-leafed plant~Twoleg gardens~Eaten~Gives strength, quench thirst, and soothes aching joints.
Sticks~Thin wooden protrusions from trees~Forested areas~Bitten by cats in intense pain and used as splints~Helps with pain and keeps broken bones in place.
Stinging Nettle~Tall-stemmed plant with jagged fuzzy leaves, There are small hairs on the leaves that give off a stinging sensation when touched~Forested areas~Seeds are swallowed, Leaves can be chewed into poultice~Induces vomiting, brings down swelling, and can be included in herbal mixtures to heal broken bones.
Sweet-Sedge~Thick green stem with long buds at the top~Wet areas~One must swallow the sap~Eases infection.
Tansy Plant~with round yellow leaves~Forested areas and Twoleg gardens~Eaten in small doses~Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons. Can also prevent greencough and soothe sore throats.
Tormetial~Thin plant with yellow flowers~Cool areas and Twoleg gardens~Chewed into poultice~Treats injuries. Its root can be used to extract venom.
Thyme~Small delicate plants with thin sticky leaves~Warm areas~Chewed~Soothes the mind.
Watermint~Green leafy plant~Near water~Chewed into pulp~Soothes bellyaches.
Wild Garlic~Strong smelling grassy plant~Leafy areas~Rubbed on pelt~Prevents infection.
Willow Bark~ Bark of the willow tree~Cold and wet areas~Ground up and included in herbal mixtures~Eases pain.
Willow Leaves Thin~long leaves of the willow tree~Cold and wet areas~Eaten~Prevents vomiting.
Wintergreen~Leafy plant with distinctive bright red berries~Forested and rocky areas~Chewed into pulp~Heals wounds and poison.
Yarrow~Thin flowering plant with white flowers~Rocky areas~Chewed into poultice and sometimes eaten~Extracts poison and heals cracked pads. Will induce vomiting if eaten.
Deathberries~Red berries from the dark-leaved yew bush~Rocky areas~Eaten~Will kill any cat within minutes.
Foxglove Seeds~Tiny black seeds from the bell-shaped foxglove plant~Almost everywhere~Eaten~Used to treat the heart, but can easily cause paralysis and heart failure.
Holly berries~Red berries from the spiny-leaved holly plant~Forested areas~Eaten~Harmful berries with no medicinal value. Can kill kits.
Deadly Nightshade~Shiny black berries from a small shrub with bell-shaped flowers~~Moist and shady areas~Eaten~Peacefully kills cats.
Water Hemlock~Plant with clusters of white flowers~Marshy areas~Eaten~Will cause violent convulsing and foaming at the mouth, and soon after, death.
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